Tag Archives: social media

Column: Social networks and business models

My latest Butlletí Electrònic ATI Catalunya column “Social networks and business models” describes the state of affairs of the Information Society in Spain and discusses the way that social networks might help undertakings to develop their business models despite the sloppy regulation.  Take a look  at (link only in catalan but feel very free to use Google translate, though) http://www.butlletiati.cat/analisi/opinio/129-xarxes-socials-i-models-de-negoci

I’ll be at Internet Week Europe, London, Nov. 8-12

I gonna join the Internet Week Europe in London. Internet week is a festival celebrating Europe’s thriving Internet industry and community. Nowadays, I’m consulting a lot on the legal aspects of web2.0 utilities and social media based Internet business. So I think it will be a good opportunity to enjoy the different activities of the festival,  meet interesting people, hanging out with entrepreneurs, VCs and social marketers.

I have already planned a few meetings, but for those of you in London, I’m free to meet up there. Drop me an e-mail, DM on twitter or skype me if you would like to.